Attend Special Interest Groups (SIG), Association, and User Group meetings routinely. You can usually get information on a User Group from the vendor who sells the product, mailing lists, or a local computer society in your area.
Know when the User Groups in your sector are meeting, and if you cannot attend, contact that group and leave detailed information on a current opening. If we are not competing with them, you can just start by asking for names and numbers of members who might be able to help you out!
- Hand out cards
- Make friends
- Tell them you’re there to learn more about their sector of the industry, etc., or that you want to become better educated and keep up-to-date on new technologies and products and what’s going on” in general.
- Sponsor one of their meetings
- Speak about your company ask in advance) or your profession at a meeting (let them now that you’re there to network, too. not to recruit all of the people).